The 2805RGB Series is a range of RGB / 1 zone / RF PWM LED controller. Stylish and easy to operate, they are designed for constant voltage applications and are fully compatible with iLuXx luminaires equipped with the Lineo Drive technology. The system consists of a controller and receiver and both must be paired to allow communication between them.
The 2805RGB Series uses Radio Frequencies (RF) for communication between the controller and receiver. The advantages over Infra Red (IR) devices are the wider range of operation and the fact that the signal can be transmitted through walls, doors and furniture allowing a greater flexibility of installation.
Note: 1 controller can control any number of receivers and 1 receiver can be controlled by a maximum of 8 controllers
Pairing of Receiver and Controller
Note: Multiple receivers can be paired to one remote control and vice versa.
Controller Functions with dial button
Single push | Turns light On or Off |
Double push | Alternates between color mode and dimming mode |
Left / Right movement |
Color mode: color selection Dimming mode: controls light level output |
When turned off | Retains last settings |
Special Feature
For ease of installation our receivers are supplied with an UHB double face tape. No screws required. Can be removed if necessary
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